
Menstrual Hygiene

Menstrual hygiene is not just about using products like pads and tampons, but also includes maintaining good personal hygiene during your period. This includes regular showering or bathing, washing your genitals and changing your menstrual products regularly.

Access to menstrual products is not a given for all women, and there are communities around the world where women and girls struggle to access sanitary products. Providing education and resources on this issue can help to empower women and girls to take control of their menstrual health. Menstruation is still a taboo topic in many cultures, which can make it difficult for women and girls to access information and resources about menstrual hygiene.

By breaking the silence around menstruation and promoting open and honest dialogue, we can help to reduce the stigma and shame that often surrounds this natural process. Menstrual hygiene education should be comprehensive and inclusive, covering all aspects of menstrual health, including physical, emotional and social aspects.

It should also be age-appropriate and culturally sensitive. Many women and girls are not aware of the environmental impact of disposable menstrual products, such as pads and tampons. By providing information on alternatives like menstrual cups and reusable pads, we can help to reduce waste and protect the environment.

Menstrual hygiene is not just important for women and girls, but also for trans men and non-binary individuals who may menstruate.

It's important to create inclusive spaces and resources that acknowledge and address the needs of all individuals who menstruate.
Good menstrual hygiene practices can help to reduce the risk of infections and other health problems.

It's important to provide accurate information and resources on how to maintain good menstrual hygiene, as well as information on when to seek medical advice if needed.


To raise awareness and improve access to menstrual hygiene products and education, particularly in underprivileged communities.


Under the mission, Project UGC STRIDE TRICA aims to empower and educate women and girls about menstrual hygiene through various programs and initiatives. Our project partners with organizations, schools, and local communities to distribute menstrual products, provide educational workshops and create sustainable solutions for menstrual waste management.

The ultimate goal of UGC STRIDE TRICA is to break the menstrual taboos and promote menstrual dignity for all women and girls. By working together, we strive to create a world where every individual has access to the resources and education they need to manage their menstrual hygiene with confidence and comfort.